Frozen Shoulder/Adhesive Capsulitis
Home|ShoulderSphere® Workouts by Sport|Frozen Shoulder/Adhesive Capsulitis
This is one of the most challenging issues faced by therapists and surgeons alike.
The recovery is arduous and lengthy, and often incomplete. In order to maximize recovery, the patients must actively participate in their own recovery and be in control of their own exercises.
— try to avoid, or even, no active manipulation — manipulation is only in one direction, one plane. Manipulation causes pain with imbalanced capsular tearing (even when trying to manipulate in multiple directions)
— strive for self-directed stretches in various direction — self stretch remains the cornerstone of improvement. Should perform multiple short periods of stretch session — that is, each stretch session should last no more than 1 minute, but should do at least 3 – 6 x/ day. This is better than just one stretching session a day that lasts 6 minutes.
— ShoulderSphere technique is to have a circumferential, symmetric global 360 degree gentle stretch that is achieved by ROTATIONAL movements. This gradually stretches the shoulder capsule over time much like an INFLATING BALLOON. This is actively performed by the patients themselves. While performing this rotational motion, the rotator cuff muscles are also being strengthened. This is the “Balloon Inflation Technique”.
— frequency of exercise — preferably daily in frequent small doses ( patients should get their own F2 , or lease from therapists)
No more than 1 minute each session, 3x/ day
—- 10 week program ( longer if needed)
Position 1 — 10 seconds
Position 2 — 10 seconds
(Understand the “Positions” under the “Instructions” videos)
Do 1 set session, 3x/ day
Position 1 — 15 seconds
Position 2 — 15 seconds
2 sets in a session, 3x/ day
Position 1 — 20 seconds
Position 2 — 20 seconds
1 set session, 3x/ day
Position 1 — 10 seconds
Position 2 — 10 seconds
Position 3 ( forward elevation to whatever level patients themselves can comfortably get to) — 10 seconds
2 set session, 3x/ day
Position 1 — 15 seconds
Position 2 — 15 seconds
Position 3 — 15 seconds
1 set session, 3x / day
Position 1 — 20 seconds
Position 2 — 20 seconds
Position 3 — 20 seconds
1 set session, 3x/ day
Position 1 — 10 seconds
Position 2 — 10 seconds
Position 3 — 10 seconds
Position 4 ( to whatever level of 90-90 position patients can get themselves comfortably to) — 10 seconds
1 set session, 3x / day
Position 1 — 15 seconds
Position 2 — 15 seconds
Position 3 — 15 seconds
Position 4 — 15 seconds
1 set session, 3x / day
WEEK 9 (time is being increased because of anticipated improvement in strength by now)
Position 1 — 20 seconds
Position 2 — 20 seconds
Position 3 — 20 seconds
Position 4 — 20 seconds
1 set session, 3x / day
Position 1 — 10 seconds
Position 2 — 10 seconds
Position 3 — 10 seconds
Position 4 — 10 seconds
Position 5 ( raise the arm up to the side to whatever level the patients can get themselves comfortably into) — 10 seconds
1 set session, 3x / day
The goal is after 10 weeks, patients can do all 5 positions, 10 seconds each with 2 sets. That is just about 2 fifty-second workouts.
Thereafter, just maintain at same volume of workouts. The strength will increase, and because of circumferential stretch when rotating the ball, the capsule will stretch evenly like an inflating balloon and obtain greater range of motion over time. Every individual is different, but it does usually take a minimum of 8-10 weeks prior to any appreciable improvement. Patience and discipline are important ingredients for success.
Upon good strength and range of motion gain, patients may proceed to “Core Five” ( ER-IR, FRONT-BACK ROW, ABDUCTION , D2 DIAGONAL, 90-90) exercise routine and maintain for good.
5 reps for each move. 1 set daily.